Truesp!n unregistriert
==== MTA:mA:GRS v4.12 by Oli ====
This is a general use script that was released with MTA:mA 3.x.x. It is for use with MTA 0.4.x and 0.5.x servers. Scripts and Programs by Oli.
Contact: msn -
web -
scripts -
mta - mta://
irc - irc://
1. Follow the installer steps for installing MTA:mA:GRS by double-clicking on mtama.exe
2. Load MTA:mA via the usual method. (consult the MTA:mA manual for details).
3. Load "mtama.mrc" with MTA:mA's scripts loader.
4. Input your main "Client Admin" name/password when prompted.
5. Input your main "Global Statistics" name when prompted.
6. Configure the menu system to your specifications.
7. Connect your MTA:mA to your MTA servers.
The script has the following features:
- Multiple command support (ie !admin/!info)
- All commands can have !pm suffix to have the information reported via a personal message (ie !pmadmin)
- Events/Identifiers specifically for making Addon's for GRS (read grs-scripting.html)
- Scripts Wizard
- Global Statistics - inter GRS statistics viewable from
- Ping Kicker (On/Off - Configurable in menu) - admin immunity level option
- Echo to mIRC Channel (on/Off - specify channel in menu. Can select a different channel for each MTA Server.)
- IRC Control options for Echo
- Customisable countdown script (!count)
- CAPS Warning/Kick (configure in menu)
- Clone detection (Warning/Kick)
- Votekick system (configurable in menu)
- Statistics Script (!stat)
- Idle's kicker (On/Off)
- Nick Change Detection (On/Off)
- Nick-Serv (Nickserv - On/Off)
- Memo-Serv (On/Off)
- Kick Counter (On/Off)
- Resolve Hosts (On/Off)
- Status Menu (On/Off)
- Spawn Detection (On/Off)
- Trace system
- Warn scripts (On/Off for all features)
- Player join Subnet warning for banned players (On/Off)
- Personal Blacklist system (On/Off
- Location Scripts (On/Off)
- Distance Scripts (On/Off)
- Speed Scripts (On/Off)
- Challenge Scripts (On/Off)
- Welcome messge personalised (can be for certain names)
- In/Out game menu stats
- Admin add/remove/modify system from menu
- Error debugging
- Ping Graph - shows a graph of a selected players ping over the last 10 seconds
- Welcome messages (On/Off)
- Unknown detection
- Suspect Script (On/Off)
- Admin Away system
- Auto Update feature (On/Off)
- Reinstaller for failed CRC check
- Admin System levels customiser
- Personal scripts loader which does not cause double aliases if double aliases are present
- Clan Tag protection (On/Off)
- Constant weather (On/Off)
- Anti MultiSpawn scripts
- Vectors scripts (On/Off)
- Favorites scripts (On/Off)
- Area scripts (On/Off)
- Find vehicle scripts (On/Off)
- Anti heli kill/car kill/spawn kill/car jack scripts (On/Off)
- Alias script (On/Off)
- Directions with vector scripts
- Scripts can be performed from PM and from admin
- Ping flux calculator
- Skin scripts (On/Off)
- Health scripts (On/Off)
- Error reporting on script functions
- Clan PM feature
- Auto login for admins joining with same IP as same previous login (on Player join and MTA:mA connect)
- Secret client admin system - allows admin to become hidden and yet still perform admin functions in secrecy
- Favorite weather reporting
- Most crowded area report system
- Scriptban players option (Stops them from using any scripts)
- Top player in server reporting
The script has a Nickserv in it. This allows people to register with the script themselves. This can be turned off in the /menu.
It also has a menu system so it can be easily configured. To access this menu, type /menu in mIRC when the script is loaded.
Players can also register their names on the Global Statistics database. "/msg stats help" for more info
Here is a list of available commands with the script:
- /msg register <email> <password>
- /msg login <password>
- /msg logout
- /msg account pass <old-password> <new-password>
- /msg stats login <password>
- /msg stats register <password>
- /msg stats password <password>
- /msg stats help
- /msg clan <clan> message - messages all members of <clan> present
- /msg away <reason> - sets player to away (<reason> is optional)
- /msg back - sets player to back
- /msg reply - replies to the last PM recieved by player
- /msg help commands
- /msg memoserv <message> - stores a message to the Memo-Serv. This is transmitted to all current client admins
- /msg admin secret - sets the admins status to hidden/visible depending on their current status.
- /msg admin say <Text> - Says the <Text> from admin
- /msg admin addplayer <name> <password> - Adds player <name> with pass <pass>
- /msg admin addadmin <name> <password> <level> - Adds an admin of <level> to the database.
- /msg admin cancel - cancels a current votekick
- /msg admin ping <ping> - sets the max ping to <ping>
- /msg admin restart - restarts the server
NOTE: All commands can be done with a !pm prefix to have the information reported as a Personal Message
- !setcommand <!command> <level> - Sets <!command> to <level> - Admin commands only
- !setlevel <admin> <level> - Sets <admin> to <level> (use 0 for <level> to remove <admin> from admin)
- !setping <ping/off> - sets the max ping to <ping>
- !ban <name> - bans <name>
- !unban <name> - unbans <name> if banned
- !unbanip <ip> - unbans IP if banned
- !tempban <name> <length of time> <format of time> - temp bans <name> for <length of time>
- !subnetban <name> - bans <name> and their immediate subnet
- !blacklist <name> - adds <name> to the personal blacklist
- !clanban <clan> - bans all members of <clan> present in server
- !kick <name> - kicks <name>
- !clankick <clan> - kicks all members of <clan> present in server
- !revoke <name> - revokes <name>'s votekick rights
- !unrevoke <name> - restores <name>'s votekick rights
- !cancel - stops a votekick in progress
- !host <name> - reports the host of <name>
- !trace <name> - reports the country of origin of <name>
- !ip <name> - reports the IP of <name>
- !helikill <on/off> - turns on/off the heli kill kicker
- !spawnkill <on/off> - turns on/off the spawn kill kicker
- !carkill <on/off> - turns on/off the car kill kicker
- !carjack <on/off> - turns on/off the car jacking kicker
- !sun - changes weather to sun
- !cloud - changes weather to cloud
- !rain = changes weather to rain
- !fog - changes weather to fog
- !noon - changes time to 12:00
- !constant <sun/cloud/rain/fog/off> - turns on/off constant weather
- !midnight - changes time to 00:00
- !morning - changes time to 07:00
- !evening - changes time to 19:00
- !warn <id> <reason> - warns a player for <reason>
- !unwarn <id> - unwarns <id>
- !money - resets the money for players
- !scores - resets the scores for players
- !suspect <ID/NAME> - adds <ID>/NAME> to the suspect List.
- !alias <name> - reports the aliases used for <name> (can do on players out of server)
- !alias <ip> - reports the aliases used for <ip>
- !pmalias <name> - reports the aliases for <name> in the form of a PM
- !stfu <name> - adds <name> to the stfu list. They are kicked if they speak further
- !unstfu <name> - removed <name> from the stfu list
- !clones - reports all clone players in the server (players with the same IP's)
- !commands - reports all the admin commands that your level can perform
- !memo - returns the last stored Memo-Serv message and its details
- !scriptban <name> - Bans <name> from using any MTA:mA:GRS Script functions
- !unscriptban <name> - Allows <name> to use the MTA:mA:GRS Script functions
- !update - Checks for MTA:mA:GRS updates. (Level 5 ONLY)
- !recon <admin+/normal> - Reconnects MTA:mA with the specified connection mode. (If no mode specified, it simply reconnects)
NOTE: All commands can be done with a !pm prefix to have the information reported as a Personal Message
- !votekick <name> - starts a votekick on <name>
- !vote - vote for <name> when a votekick is in progress
- !banned <name> - reports i <name> has been banned at the server
- !stat - reports stats (can use !stat <name> for other peoples stats)
- !clanstat <clan> - reports the total stats of <clan>
- !in - reports the number of players in game
- !in <car> - reports the players currently in vehicles
- !out - reports the number of players out of game
- !players - reports the players in game, out game and spectating
- !list <in/out/spec> - reports the players <in/out/spectating> in the server in name form
- !ping - reports the current and average ping (can do !ping <name> for <name>'s ping)
- !lag <name1> <name2> - reports the lag between <name1> and <name2>
- !lagging <-a/-f> <ping> - reports all the players in the server with a ping above <ping>. -a switch reports as average pings. -f switch reports as ping fluxes
- !idle <name> - reports how long <name> has been idle
- !admin - reports the current client admins
- !away - reports the players currently away
- !psl - reports the scripts loaded with MTA:mA apart from MTA:mA:GRS
- !time - reports the time on the scripts server
- !count - counts from <time> (<time> is setup in the menu)
- !lag <name1> <name2> - reports the lag between <name1> and <name2>
- !warned - reports if any players in the server are warned
- !warnings - reports if they are currently warned
- !loc <name> - reports the location of <name>
- !weather - reports the current weather and whether constant weather is on/off and the server's favorite weather
- !car <name> - reports stats about <name>'s vehicle
- !hp <name> - reports <name>'s health status
- !dis <name> - reports the distance from yourself to <name> and the direction. (can do !dis <name1> <name2>)
- !alt <name> - reports <name>'s altitude
- !speed <name> - reports <name>'s current velocity
- !fav <name> - reports <name>'s favorite weapon/car/skin
- !find <car> - reports the location of <car> with car colour
- !area <area> - reports the players in <area>
- !gstat <name> - reports the Global Statistics of <name> (<name> does NOT have to be in server)
- !skin <name> - returns the Skin on <name>
- !server - returns the name of the MTA server
- !level <!script> - returns the level of <!script> (only works on admin scripts)
- !ch <name> (<limit>) - Asks <name> to start a challenge. <limit> is optional, it sets a kill limit on the challenge
- !ch <yes/no> - Accepts/Declines a challenge request from a player requesting one
- !ch off (<name>) - Ends a current challenge. Admin level 5 can use !ch off <name> to end challenges between players
- !ch score (<name>) - Reports your current challenge score. If <name> is specified, reports <name>'s challenge score. Reports if a challenge limit is in place
- !ch running - reports all the current challenges/scores
- !used <name> <vehicle> - reports how many times <name> has used <vehicle> (and a total percentage)
- !kills <name> <weapon> - reports how many times <name> has used <weapon> (and a total percentage)
- !crowd - Reports the most crowded area in Vice City
- !top - Reports the player with the top Kill/Death ratio
The script presents warnings on banned players and notifies people on entry about the nickserv system via admin pm.
It also notifies people to login to admin if they are added to the database when present or admin connects while they are present.
If they join with the same IP as the previous login, they will be logged in automatically.
The Advanced Admin dialog allows you to get stats on people and make instant changes to admins in AND out of the server.
The Global Statistice dialog allows you to configure your connection to the GRS Server, and fetch stats on players.
The Scripts Wizard allows you to create your own simple scripts (ie !hello) in the script without breaking the CRC check.
This will guide you through the process.
The latest fixed version of this script can be found here:
The script and the DLL's for it can be in any directory in mIRC. They MUST be in the same DIR to function correctly.
17.04.2006 14:45 |
>>|ASG|<<@res unregistriert
so das ganze mal für die deutsch sprachige belegschaft
17.04.2006 19:33 |