Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator |
Dabei seit: 18.10.2005
Beiträge: 3.748
Level: 56 [?]
Erfahrungspunkte: 26.324.731
Nächster Level: 30.430.899
Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator |
Der erste Teil war Mist - zumindest was das Fliegen an sich anging. Weiss jemand, wie der 3te Teil ist? Wad ie Features angeht, hört sich das nämlich gar nicht mal schlecht an:
Feel the adrenalin rush as you start strafing enemy positions at 350 mph, 600 feet above the European countryside, guns blazing and bombs blasting. In Combat Flight Simulator 3 (CFS3) you can fly for the USAAF, RAF, or the Luftwaffe in some of the most advanced and exotic aircraft of WWII.
* New collection of 18 aircraft featuring
o Flyable, crewable bombers – fly medium bombers and take control of the bombardier or gunner position
o Stunning 3D cockpit detail
o Accurate performance & damage modeling
o Medium bomber operations
o “Edgy” WWII state of the art aircraft, including the first jet fighters
* Custom Graphics Engine
o Super high detail ground attack targets
o Improves scenery with enhanced 3D modeling and texturing
* Cooperative multiplayer missions and free-for-all dogfights via the internet & LAN
* Fly as a German, British, or American pilot.
* Cooperative Multiplayer – Players will be able to play Single Missions with friends, cooperating to achieve mission goals as wingmen. Single Missions will be playable over a LAN or on the Internet.
* Enhanced Campaign Play – Players will be involved in fighting tactical missions in a campaign where their success or failure can move the front line, influence the quality of equipment available, and even change the outcome of the war.
* Reactive World – Areas of the campaign world will trigger events, spawn aircraft, generate flak, etc. in response to the presence of the player.
* Role Playing Elements – pilots have qualities like Bombing Skill, Vision, and Health. The player also makes decisions that influence how the war is fought, where to put the pressure on the enemy, and what aircraft improvements are crucial to the war effort.
* Enhanced Expandability - more cleanly supported than in previous versions.
* As Real As It Gets – nothing will be outside of historical possibility.
Mfg Gothmog
__________________ Dem Ingenör is nix zu schwör!!
16.05.2006 15:08 |
delthafunky unregistriert
hatte ne demo vom 3. teil, is schon bisschen her, und ehrlich:
der is müll. der 2. teil is immernoch der beste. und den muss ich
mir auch ma wieda holen.
17.05.2006 17:14 |
Dabei seit: 18.10.2005
Beiträge: 3.748
Level: 56 [?]
Erfahrungspunkte: 26.324.731
Nächster Level: 30.430.899
Was is am 2. Teil so besonders?
Also worauf es mir und dem Endanwender am meisten ankommt ist ne wirklich angenehme Steuerung, ohne dass man erst Wochen mit Spiel,- und Joystickeinstellungen verbringen muss. So wie ich gelesen habe, ist IL2 und PF sogar so krass, dass, wenn man wirklich perfekt fliegen will auch Pedalen zum Trimmen braucht. Also da hört es bei mir auf. Is ja nicht jeder Gamer n Hobbypilot.
Mfg Gothmog
__________________ Dem Ingenör is nix zu schwör!!
17.05.2006 17:47 |