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Geschrieben von Truesp!n am 08.06.2007 um 21:53:


Nun, das kommt doch sehr auf das Gefährt an. Ein Sport-Propellerflugzeug ist naders zu steuern als ein Jumbo. Helikopter gibts auch. Also die Schwierigkeit ist abhängig vom Fahrzeug.

Und da ich mit dir meist meine eigenen Maps gedaddelt habe, war meist das fickerige Sportflugzeug zugegen. Wir haben das viel zu selten gespielt. unglücklich

Geschrieben von Truesp!n am 18.06.2007 um 18:05:


Hab mal unserern Server reaktiviert.

Zugangsdaten für das Admintool gibts auf Anfrage bei mir.

Geschrieben von Truesp!n am 31.07.2007 um 19:40:


Nu läuft wieder ein Script, zwecks Rundenzeiten, Stats, Punkten, Ränge, usw, usw.....

Auf dem Server einfach mal !commands eintippen, und gucken was es da alles gibt. Map bewerten z.B., von 1 bis 10. Einfach in der Map die ihr bewerten wollt !rate 5, oder welche Zahl auch immer ihr mögt. !creator zeigt den Mapersteller, insofern er in der Map Metadaten hinterlassen hat. Und vieles mehr! !besttime !toplagger !stats etceterapppppp

PW ist nu drivetime

Geschrieben von Röschti am 31.07.2007 um 21:38:


Is noch toll der Scriptgroßes Grinsen

Nur demprimierend wenn der True immer gwinnt unglücklich

Geschrieben von Truesp!n am 31.07.2007 um 22:13:



!name shows current map name
!admin shows online admins in server
!seen <name> shows when selected player was last seen in server
!stat <name> Shows Selected players stats (Total races - finishes - raceratio - 1st/2nd/3rd places Total DM Maps played - Won - DM ratio - Top times held - Total points)
!mapstat <name> Shows Selected Players stats for current map - Times played - (Times finished if race/won if dm) - (Personal best time if race/ Ratio if DM))
!racestat <name> Shows details on current race (mapname / times ran on server)
!commands / !help shows help
!time / !date shows time & date
!votekick <name> to initiate a votekick on a player
!vote to add a vote
!votemap starts a vote on the next map to be played
!new adds 1 vote to an instant map change vote
!level <name> shows selected players admin level
!mode shows current map mode
!rank <name> shows selected players rank
!ping <name> shows selected players ping & average ping
!info shows script info
!points <name> shows selected players points
!max shows max ping allowed
!toptime shows who has the top time on current map
!toptimes shows selected players top times held
!best <name> shows selected players best ever time on current map
!players shows players racing / players left alive in a DM
!wb <name> shows welcome back msg in chat to selected player
!random shows a randomly picked map, selected at beginning of race
!total shows total amount of maps uploaded
!timer Shows time left on an RS-DM map
!sc <name> / !score <name> shows current score on an RS-DM map
!creator shows map creator is details are saved
!claim to clam back a trpohy lost due to removed times
!rate shows current map rating / how much u have rated it
!rate <1-10> to rate the current map
!upload shows Upload URL if added
!check <name> to list maps with *name* as wildcard
!warnings <name> shows how many warnings selected player has
!dmlimit shows minimum amount need to play a dm map
!banned <name> shows if selected player is banned

[tops in server]
!top 1st shows top 3 players with most race wins in the server
!top 2nd shows top 3 players with most 2nd places in the server
!top 3rd shows top 3 players with most 3rd places in the server
!top races shows top 3 players with most Races ran, in the server
!top finishes shows top 3 players with most finishes in the server
!top raceratio shows top 3 players with best Race Ratio in the server
!top dmratio shows top 3 players with best DM Ratio in the server
!top deathmatches shows top 3 players with most DM's played in the server
!top dmwins shows top 3 players with most dmwins in the server
!top points shows top 3 players with most points in the server
!top level shows top 3 highest admins in server
!top lagger shows top 3 with highest pings
!top best shows top 3 best times within the server
!top score shows top 3 scores on RS-DM maps so u can see whos leading.
!top cash Shows Top 3 players with most cash in the server

[best ever tops]
!top3 1st shows top 3 players with most race wins ever
!top3 2nd shows top 3 players with most 2nd places ever
!top3 3rd shows top 3 players with most 3rd places ever
!top3 races shows top 3 players with most total races ever
!top3 finishes shows top 3 players with most race finishes ever
!top3 deathmatches shows top 3 players with most DM Starts ever
!top3 dmwins shows top 3 players with most DM wins ever
!top3 points shows top 3 players with most points ever
!top3 times shows top 3 best ever times on current map

[PGS commands if activated]
!bethelp shows help on buying
!buyhelp shows help on betting
!itemlist shows Fixed Item list
!bet <name> <amount> to bet on a player
!buy <item> to buy an item
!use to use an item
!cost <item> to check item price and availability
!fund shows current lottery fund
!cashstat <name> shows selected players cashstats
!bets <name> shows who the selected player is betting on
!cash <name> / !money <name> shows selected players cash
!bidlevel <name> shows selected players bidlevel
!cointoss <heads/tails> <amount> flips coin - 50/50 chance, double ur bet, or lose
!pms / !pms on/off turns betting pms on/off
!cashcheck <name> shows selected players cash (exact name)
!banwords shows how many words are added to the banned words file
!fine <name> fines selected player if player has said a banned word (cash awarded)
!unbet removes a bet (within time limit)
!spent shows total spent on server
!fix / !repair help out a broken down racer and gain bonus points
!drop drops current item
!own shows !own msg if purchased
!items <name> shows selected players items

Forensoftware: Burning Board 2.3.6, entwickelt von WoltLab GmbH